Sidero Labs Cheat Sheet
Useful Omnictl & Talosctl and commands geared to managing a cluster with Omni.
Quick check:
omnictl cluster status haynes-ops
Quick check on the cluster and config:
talosctl get members
talosctl disks
talosctl disks -n <iNODE_IPp>
For partitions:
talosctl get blockdevices
talosctl -n get blockdevices
For id:
talosctl -n <NODE_IP> ls -l /dev/disk/by-id
Not disks
talosctl get links
talosctl get links -n <NODE_IP> --insecure
talosctl get links -o yaml
talosctl get addresses
talosctl -n <NODE_IP> get addresses
talosctl get address eth0/ -o yaml
talosctl get addressspecs
talosctl -n <NODE_IP> get addressspecs
talosctl get addressspecs eth0/ -o yaml
talosctl get hostnamestatus
talosctl -n <NODE_IP> get hostnamestatus
talosctl get hostnamespec -o yaml --namespace network-config